ALBANY, NY (WRGB) — The Fisher House at the VA Stratton Hospital has become a home away from home for veterans and their families.
The home first opened in March 1995 through the Fisher House Foundation.
With nearly 100 across the country, the Albany house is the first one on federally owned property.
In those 30 years, it has helped thousands through difficult times.
“Veterans who served in the Vietnam war, Korean war, every, just about every war you could think of, families of those veterans who stayed here along with their veterans,” Dom Dominguez, Chief of the Center for Development Civic Engagement.
After 30 years it was time for some updates. Over the last year, there’s been fresh paint, new furniture, and more.
Nearly all the renovations were paid for by the Fisher House Foundation.
“We want everyone to talk, to share their experiences, to mourn together, to celebrate together,” said Dominguez. “So those are the emotions that we wanted here at the Fisher House.”
Part of the renovations included making the Fisher House more handicap accessible. One of those changes was replacing the tubs for showers.
Fisher House manager and US Army veteran Michael Horning gave us a tour of the updated facility.
“It's that openness. It's that care for somebody you don't even know and the ability to reach across the table,” Horning.
The Fisher House is free to families and veterans.
“It starts with everybody here and every person that comes in here that either is a housekeeper, or somebody that works for me,” Horning added. “They have to have the same mission and the same heart and the same empathy.
Staff at the VA adds the Fisher House removes barriers families face when coming from out of town.
“We cover a catchment area larger than like six states,” said Sean Tuckey, Acting Public Affairs Officer. “So having a Fisher House of veterans that are over 50 miles that can come down here, stay for a course of treatment and not have to worry about commuting or find a hotel, all of that.”