Police make arrest after early morning break in


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Police arrested a 35-year-old Brandon man Saturday morning for allegedly breaking into a garage on Sixth Street.

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Hey there, time traveller!
This article was published 23/02/2018 (2243 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current.

Police arrested a 35-year-old Brandon man Saturday morning for allegedly breaking into a garage on Sixth Street.

At approximately 3:30 a.m., police observed an open garage in the 400 block of Sixth Street and discovered that it had been broken into.

While investigating the incident, police say they located a man in the area and found him in possession of some of the stolen items.

The man was charged with possession of property obtained by crime, as well as failing to attend court on a previous matter.

He was released on a promise to appear in court on March 22.

Police are also investigating a pair of break and enters that are believed to have occurred overnight from Feb. 22 to 23.

The first took place at a construction site in the 4100 block of Victoria Avenue. A quantity of tools were stolen from a work trailer and a building on site was also broken into and had construction materials taken.

A set of golf clubs, lawn furniture and cash were also stolen from a shed in the 600 block of Rosser Avenue E.

» The Brandon Sun

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